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Platos - para compartir
Dishes - to share
Pan con alioli y tomate
Bread with garlic sauce and tomato
Potato chips
Plato de nachos con queso, verduras y salsa boloñesa
Nacho dish with cheese, vegetables and meat
Tabla de quesos y embutidos
Cheese and meat plate
Patatas bravas
Fried potatoes with spicy sauce and garlic sauce
Patatas fritas
French fries
Ensaladilla rusa
Russian salad
Calamares a la romana
Deep-fried calamares with a crust
Gambas "Ba"
Gambas "Ba"
Gambas al ajillo
Scampi with garlic
Croquetas de jamón
Croquettes with ham
Balls in tomato sauce
Berenjenas fritas con miel
Fried eggplant with honey
Champiñones al ajillo
Mushroom with garlic
Queso frito
Deep fried cheese